15th June 2023

A year seems forever and no time at all. Clocks go back- & forward again It’s hot at the moment- you would love this. You would be in the garden. String vest & cricket, a cup of tea or occasionally a lager shandy! My garden has gone from hibernation to over grown mostly with weeds! We know it will be cold again all too soon. We have continued to celebrate, the regular and significant things of life. Always remembering you and knowing you would want us to keep going on. We would have given you the highlights even if you weren’t there. I’m grateful that you were so interested and involved in our lives. I think of conversations we have had - and I want more. I miss knowing I could talk with you and that you would have an opinion! You would have heard what was happening on the news. We would have a different view on many things by still we would discuss it. As I go into the next year, I’m glad that I have so many good memories & things that will always turn my heart to you. Some that make me cry but mostly these things makes me smile. Thank you for a lifetime of love and care. I love you still. Tiny X